One of the most useful features of WIM technology is the ability to stage multiple images within a single wim file.

To do this, I am going to be working with 2 images,

The first image named “WIN10PRO86” and contained an image of “Windows 10 Pro Edition x86”
and the second image is “AIO” will contained multiple images combined together, and i’ll going to merge Image “WIN10PRO86” into Image “AIO”:

First off, we need to mount Image “WIN10PRO86”

DISM /Mount-WIM /WimFile:D:\WIN10PRO86.wim /INDEX:1 /MountDir:D:\Mount

01.Mount Wim.png

Second stage, I’ll  append Image “WIN10PRO86” to Image “AIO”

ImageX /Append D:\MOUNT D:\AIO.wim "Image Name" "Image Description"

02.Append Mounted WIM.png

This will now append the two Images together giving Image “WIN10PRO86” and index it a number  after the last index on the Image “AIO”, for example. if i have 5 image in the WIM “AIO”, this mean that Image “WIN10PRO86” will have index of 6

Third: Once the process has completed, you need to unmount Image “WIN10PRO86”

DISM /Unmount-WIM /MountDir:D:\Mount /Discard

03.UnMount WIM.png

To verify the changes, you can run the following command:

DISM /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:D:\AIO.wim

05.WimInfo - Copy.png

or using the ImageX command as following

ImagX /Info AIO.wim

04.ImageX Info01.png

04.ImageX Info02.png

and you can change the name and description of any image on the WIM file using the following command

ImageX /Info {WimFile} {IndexNumberOfImage} "{Name}" "{Description}"

for Example

ImageX /Info AIO.WIM 1 "Windows 7 Ultimate x86" "Windows 7 Ultimate x86"


Also you can Export an Image from WIM file to another WIM file using the following command

ImageX /Export D:\source.wim <imageindex> D:\Destination.wim "<ImageName>"

for Example

ImageX /Export D:\2008.wim 1 D:\AIO.wim "Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard"

For more about DISM CLICK HERE

and for more about  ImageX Command-Line Options CLICK HERE
